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Appendix F

This is additional information for Section 2.3.2. Temporal. This is an additional explanation to loading the Max patch in /3.Max_vvvv_patches/2.3.2. Temporal/0.TOP-Temporal.maxpat.


First, the Gametrak data was received using the same interface patch I created for previous projects in 1.muxshield_master-temporal.maxpat (see Appendix B). I created a switch with which I could control whether the simulation or the real Gametrak data flowed into the main Max patch.  


Below is the first part of the main Max patch 0.TOP-Temporal.maxpat. It receives the Gametrak data from 1.muxshield_master-tempral.maxpat and maps it to control some sound parameters in this patch. I sometimes also used the MIDI controller ‘nanoKONTROL2’ from Korg to test the patch without Gametrak controllers (the controller patch is 3.korg_nanokontrol.maxpat). I created a switch with which I could choose whether to receive data from the Gametrak controllers or the MIDI controller.


In the main Max patch 0.TOP-Temporal.maxpat, the right audio folder for each poly~ sound player should be dragged and dropped as indicated in the patch.


The right audio folders for the rest of poly~ sound players should be dragged and dropped as indicated.

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