Towards a poetics of restriction
Jung In Jung
PhD in Music and Music Technology
Centre for Research in New Music
University of Huddersfield
Appendix H
This is additional information for Section 2.4.1. The Music Room. This is an overview of the workflow of the Max patch in /3.Max_vvvv_patches/2.3.1.The_Music_Room/0.MusicRoom_main.maxpat. First, the Gametrak data was received using the same interface patch I created for previous projects (1.muxshield_master_musicroom.maxpat).
Below is the first part of the main Max patch. It receives the Gametrak data and sends it out to the different parts of the composition according to the clock.
This is the first part of the composition. I loaded the piano notes I recorded with poly~ objects to be triggered randomly. Each poly~ sound player needs to be loaded with the correct audio folder. For instance, for the sound player Piano1, the folder ‘piano1’ in /MusicRoom_Max/soundfiles should be dragged and dropped. I used function objects to map the triggering position depending on how much the Gametrak controllers were pulled. Along with the piano notes, I also created the very narrow bandpass filters with white noise, so that they played sustained background sound with subtle changes depending on the Gametrak data. At minute 3, the bandpass filters start moving to different frequencies.
This is the second part of the composition. I loaded the reverbed piano notes with poly~ objects.
This is the third part of the composition.